UV-Vis Instrumentation and Computing Training

The Red-Green Research Centre offers a hands-on training on UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Instrumentation and Computing Training on May 18-20, 2018.

In this educational and practical course, students will learn basic about analytical instrumentation and design, Principle of spectrophotometry with focus on UV-vis, sample preparation and experiments with dye, drug, protein and nanoparticles, software handling and data analysis, quantum simulation for uv-vis spectra of drug and dyes, HOMO-LUMO transition, metal-to-ligand, ligand-to-ligand charge transfer analysis. This is an ideal course for 1st/2nd/3rd years University Students in chemistry, physics, and biological sciences.


Date: May 18-20, 2018

Time: 9 AM-12 PM

Place: Red-Green Research Centre, 218 Elephant Road (Level 10, Suite 9)

Course fees: 3500/- taka

Seat:10-12 students


For Registration, Click Here


For more information:

Please Contact

Niaz, niazsf91@gmail.com
Imrul, imrul.shahriar@gmail.com
